

Cadence JasperGold 23.09.001

Cadence JasperGold 23.09.001

dsgsd 10个月前 (02-19) 94浏览 0评论

Cadence JasperGold 23.x | 3.5 Gb Cadence has released JasperGold 23.03.01 is the first verification product to deliver comple...

Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold Win/Linux/mac

Solid Angle Houdini to Arnold Win/Linux/mac

dsgsd 11个月前 (02-14) 81浏览 0评论

Arnold是一款高级跨平台逼真照片级阿诺德渲染器插件。由 Solid Angle开发,已有知名电影电视和动画公司在使用,包括索尼图形图像运作Sony Pictures Imageworks。作为一个照片般逼真的,基于物理的光线追踪,替代传统的扫描线...

Schrodinger Suite 2024-1 Linux

Schrodinger Suite 2024-1 Linux

dsgsd 11个月前 (02-06) 109浏览 0评论

Schrödinger Suites 2024 Linux新版发布! Schrödinger提供致力于解决药物研究中挑战的完整软件套装。对于以结构为基础的药物设计,Prime是一款精确蛋白质结构预测软件包;Glide执行准确,迅速的配体-受体对接;L...

Cadence JasperGold 23.03.001

Cadence JasperGold 23.03.001

dsgsd 11个月前 (01-30) 87浏览 0评论

Cadence JasperGold 23.03.001 | 3.5 Gb Cadence has released JasperGold 23.03.01 is the first verification product to deliver c...