

VoodooPad 5.4.0 MacOS

VoodooPad 5.4.0 MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-29) 152浏览 0评论

VoodooPad是一款非常不错的个人信息管理记事工具。 VoodooPad 5.x | macOS | 11 mb VoodooPad is a garden for your thoughts. Plant ideas, images, list...

Magic Battery 7.2.0 MacOS

Magic Battery 7.2.0 MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-29) 134浏览 0评论

一款电量显示工具。Magic Battery Mac版可以帮助用户显示当前通过蓝牙连接到Mac电脑上的设备的当前电量状况。 File size: 5 MB The App Magic Battery shows the battery level o...

BusyCal 2022.1.1 U2B MacOS

BusyCal 2022.1.1 U2B MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-29) 133浏览 0评论

File size: 52.48 MB BusyCal 3 is the most powerful, flexible, reliable calendar app for macOS. It’s packed with innovat...

Storyspace 3.9.0 MacOS

Storyspace 3.9.0 MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-29) 125浏览 0评论

File size: 51.93 MB Storyspace is the tool of choice for hypertext writers. Whether your idea of an ideal writing environment...

Menuwhere 2.2 macOS

Menuwhere 2.2 macOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-28) 110浏览 0评论

File size: 4.10 MB The menu, anywhere. Utility puts the frontmost app’s menu bar into a pop-up menu at your mouse’s location—...

Screen Wonders 2.0.0 macOS

Screen Wonders 2.0.0 macOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-28) 130浏览 0评论

Screen Wonders 是一款高质量的 macOS 动态桌面壁纸应用。内置 18 款流畅漂亮的 5K 动态壁纸,包含:水族馆动态壁纸、异域建筑动态壁纸、钟摆动态壁纸、春夏秋冬四季风景动态壁纸。 Language: Multilingual | ...

Project Office Pro 9.6 MacOS

Project Office Pro 9.6 MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-27) 110浏览 0评论

一款功能齐全的任务项目管理软件,旨在帮助您在macOS 设备上管理简单和复杂的项目,非常具有成本效益,将会为您提供功能齐全的成功解决方案。 Language: Multilingual | File size: 23 MB Meet your per...

ArchCommander 2.2 Mac

ArchCommander 2.2 Mac

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-27) 125浏览 0评论

File size: 18.29 MB ArchCommander is a tool that helps you manage your archive files. Do you really need to unpack the entire...

RarLab RAR 6.10 for MacOS

RarLab RAR 6.10 for MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-26) 150浏览 0评论

File size: 707.92 KB RAR for macOS is a 32-bit/64-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver. It can backup your data and reduce the...

HighTop 1.3 MacOS

HighTop 1.3 MacOS

dsgsd 3年前 (2022-01-26) 186浏览 0评论

File size: 27.48 MB Quick file access in macOS. Take a shortcut to your files, local or in the cloud, in this lightweight fil...