FXPHD – ENV280 – Texturing in Substance Design and Painter
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-05-26) 324浏览 0评论
Duration 4h 35m Project Files Included MP4 Title: FXPHD – ENV280 – Texturing in Substance Design and Painter Info: Texturing ...
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-05-26) 324浏览 0评论
Duration 4h 35m Project Files Included MP4 Title: FXPHD – ENV280 – Texturing in Substance Design and Painter Info: Texturing ...
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-05-23) 317浏览 0评论
Duration 8h 7m Project Files Included MP4 Title: FXPHD – NUK307 – Advanced Matte Painting Info: Release Date October 2013 For...
dsgsd 5年前 (2020-04-29) 326浏览 0评论
Duration 13h 20m Project Files Included MP4 Title: CGCircuit – RealFlow 10 Tutorials Info: 3dsMax, NUKE, RealFlow I`m glad to...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-11-04) 328浏览 0评论
Patreon – Saul Espinosa Tutorials – Redshift Houdini Nuke Speedtree Info: I will be covering my pipeline and process. Whether...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-26) 335浏览 0评论
FXPHD – NUK222 – Guerrilla Guide from the NUKE Trenches with Eric Deinzer Title: FXPHD – NUK222 – Guerrilla Guide from the NU...
dsgsd 5年前 (2019-10-02) 343浏览 0评论
Duration 5h Project Files Included MP4 Title: Pixelfront – Masterclass – Create An Atmospheric Environment Info: This course ...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-06-17) 370浏览 0评论
Duration 4h 2m Project Files Included MP4 The Gnomon Workshop – Multi Pass Rendering and Compositing Complete Info: In this t...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-04-06) 375浏览 0评论
FXPHD – NUK244 NUKE Tips and Tricks, Volume 4 Info: Continuing the “Tips and Tricks for Nuke” series, Hugo Léveillé builds up...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-03-20) 362浏览 0评论
Gumroad – Arnold – Look Development and Compositing by Nick Hodgson Info: This is the continuation from the previous tutorial...
dsgsd 6年前 (2019-03-09) 373浏览 0评论
Duration 2h 46m MP4 itle: Skillshare – NATRON: The FREE Robust Alternative to NUKE & AFTER EFFECTS Info: Nuke is the indu...