UJAM Finisher FLUXX 1.4.0 Win/MacOS
File size: 239.4 MB/46 MB UJAM has announced the launch of Finisher FLUXX, the third addition to its series of virtual multi-...
File size: 239.4 MB/46 MB UJAM has announced the launch of Finisher FLUXX, the third addition to its series of virtual multi-...
File size: 194 MB Rediscovering glorious tones. Do you ever play classic records and think “That. Sounds. GREAT! How do I get...
MORiA | AU | VST | VST3 | 438.4 MB/218MB Inject life into flat loops If your transitions are lifeless (or nonexistent), turni...
uJAM Beatmaker VOID 是一款创新型虚拟乐器插件,为音乐制作人和声音设计师提供创建先进鼓声轨的工具。 MORiA | AUi | VSTi | VST3i | 293.7 MB/70MB You don’t need to spend...
File size: 593.5 MB NEO Software provides an expandable control system, catering for the needs and requirements of our most d...
BEAM是一款拥有着简单但炫酷界面的交互式多重效果插件。只能说它跟电的共同点是电能点亮你的家,BEAM能点亮你的声音 虽然看似复杂,但归根结底它的核心是它独特的三个模块:尖端的颗粒引擎,卷积混响,和带有创新动态音频图形系统的滤波器。不要以为三个模块就...
InventorCAM 2024 正式发布! InventorCAM无缝集成于Autodesk Inventor,为CNC编程提供最佳的CAM解决方案 你无需离开Inventor界面! 工作在现有的CAD系统:无缝集成于Autodesk Invent...
SolidCAM很高兴地宣布推出新版本的CAM软件 – SolidCAM 2024 是领先的集成CAM软件,可无缝集成在Solid Edge中运行,具有和完整的刀具路径关联性。 SolidCAM 2024新的强大的3X加工模块(Pro 3D HSM)...
File Size: 61 MB infiniSee is your Chemical Space navigation platform. Based on similarity, infiniSee finds molecules of inte...
SeeSAR 是一款直观、可视化的药物设计平台,它涵盖药物发现过程的每一步——从虚拟筛选到基于片段的设计——SeeSAR 以最有趣和最全面的方式促进构思。 SeeSAR 在药物设计过程的每一步都促进创新。 该应用程序包括所有对处理您的化合物和目标结构...