W.A Production Deres v1.0.0
69 MB Whether it’s stacking synths or building bass lines, layering multiple instruments always creates a huge sonic im...
69 MB Whether it’s stacking synths or building bass lines, layering multiple instruments always creates a huge sonic im...
ohsie | 26 April 2024 | 383 MB The envelope generators and LFOs have been extensively improved. The FEGs pick up amplitude an...
Siemens Solid Edge 2023 MP0012 | 579.5 mb Languages Supported: 中文 (Simplified), 中文 (Traditional), Čeština, English, Français,...
一款简单实用,功能强大的适用于Windows 的屏幕录像机软件。它能够捕获您在屏幕上看到的内容以及您同时听到/说出的内容,并将它们保存为实时的压缩视频文件时间。您可能希望在连接到计算机的双显示器或多显示器上捕获屏幕活动,而不是在单个显示器中记录屏幕。...
DVD-Cloner Gold 是最好的 DVD/蓝光复制、刻录和转换组合软件。 它具有 DVD-Cloner 和 Open SmartBurner 的所有功能。 它使您能够复制、备份、克隆和刻录 DVD 和蓝光收藏,以及将 DVD/蓝光/UHD 翻...
File size: 187 MB Atozed Software is a corporate sponsor to open source projects and provides web space, server resources, an...
File Size: 13.1 MB A user-friendly animated sprite editing application that enables you to create pixel art and edit your ima...
File Size: 38.7 MB In the age of computers, many new art styles have started taking off, and pixel art numbers among them. Wh...
Blue-Cloner 是一款专业蓝光光盘工具,高质量蓝光备份更容易。它可以复制蓝光电影BD-R/REs或具有同等质量硬盘文件。其快速复印速度和友好的用户界面,使得蓝光拷贝比以往更容易。 Windows x86/x64 | File size: 14...
File size: 1.8 GB A revolutionary concept in rig modeling, and the core of the TONEX ecosystem, TONEX software uses breakthro...