Cadence SPB OrCAD X/Allegro X 2023 v23.10.003 x64 Hotfix Only
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 92浏览 0评论
x64 | File Size: 2.89 GB Description OrCAD/Allegro one of the best and most professional software simulation and analysis ele...
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 92浏览 0评论
x64 | File Size: 2.89 GB Description OrCAD/Allegro one of the best and most professional software simulation and analysis ele...
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 94浏览 0评论
File Size: 7.6 MB OneNote Gem – Navigator Tools. OneNote Gem – Favorites is the 4th tab in OneNote 2021, 2016, 2013, 20...
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 125浏览 0评论
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 154浏览 0评论
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Windows 10 Manager v3.x 优化、调整、修理和清理Windows 10的完整解决方案Windows 10 Manager是专门用于微软Windows10的集所有功能于一身的实用工具,它包括了40多个不同的实用程序来优化,调整,清理...
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O&O Defrag是一款专为windows开发的磁盘工具,可以适用于工作站、服务器和高级服务器等各种版本,支持几乎所有的文件系统,包含FAT16、FAT32、NTFS、NTFS5、FS(加密文件系统) 等,是一款不可多得的好工具。可设定时间...
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Team R2R | 2024.03.21 | 52.8 MB The real sound of spring reverberations. Six customized classic spring reverb models. TIMELES...
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File size: 60 MB TalkHelper Video Converter is an all-in-one video conversion tool that enables you to convert to and from mo...
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Windows x64 | File size: 86.51 MB MultiDocs is a new way of creating self-modifying Word documents. MultiDocs’ incredible new...
dsgsd 1年前 (2024-03-22) 82浏览 0评论
CameraBag是一款照片滤镜软件,软件拥有高级调整和200多个单击过滤器工具。 对让你轻松制作出复古照片,提供1962,1974老照片风格的滤镜,还有lolo,mono等滤镜,只要简单拖拽一张心爱的照片到CameraBag里,就可以轻松制作出老照...